Hans Zimmer

Full name: Hans Florian Zimmer
Born: 12. September, 1957, in Frankfurt, Germany.
Strange thing: He's German and doesn't like beer!
Biggest Fan: Steven Speilberg (after listening to Crimson Tide)
Preferred equipment: Hi-Fi Yamaha
First ScoreMoonlightning (1982)
4 Oscar and one Golden Globe nominations
Won Oscar and Golden Globe for The Lion King (1994)

Most famous scores:

1998: As Good as it gets 1997: The Peacemaker
1996: The Fan
Broken Arrow
1995: Beyond Rangoon
Crimson Tide
1994: Drop Zone
Lion King
1993: True Romance
The House of the Spirits
1991: Backdraft
Thelma & Louise
1990: Bird on a wire
Days of Thunder
1989: Black Rain
Driving Miss Daisy
1988: Rain Man

Filmtracks Hans Zimmer tribute
Imdb - Complete filmography

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Created by Håvard Wiig 19©98